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Blue Team Go is a small team of game developers working out of Sydney. We are few, but dedicated and passionate about what we craft. We believe that games are the only art-form that has the capability to truly grasp an emotion, state of mind or an entire world and let others experience that in their own unique way. Our mission is to make these moments happen.

Our core platform for the moment are mobiles, specifically iOS and Android. Our pattern is to develop fast, efficient and unique games that try to deliver an entirely different experience than the last. We hope to move into more dedicated gaming platforms soon. Stay posted here for updates, or follow us on our blog!

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Harriet Ludowici

Harri once fought a bear and killed it with her bare hands. She then wore the paws like gloves. Some people say she then turned a crocodile inside-out with her bear arms, though according to some historians that was actually a pun rather than an actual account. Either way it's pretty kick-ass.












Matthew Gilchrist

Matthew is literally bigger than Jesus. According to historians, people around the time of jesus were around a foot shorter than the people of today. Since Matthew is relatively average sized, he is taller than the average person around Jesus' time, and is therefore taller than Jesus.

Jessica Bull

Jess is some cray-cray artist who makes some crazy sweet shit. She loves games and dogs and loads of Adventure Time. One day she brought a taco sandwich in to work. She also has a really strange obsession with vert colours.












Karel Chabera

Karel is a creative programmer who travelled the world and toured in his band of 10 years before channelling his creative energy into making games. His passion is equally shared between programming and design. When he doesn't cut his beard for long enough he kinda looks like Jesus. Praise be to Karel!

Paul Hancock


Paul is this crazy kick-ass coder with hair to spare. He can whip out crazy algorithms and amazing architectures faster than you can say 'Daym son!'. No one knows what he carries around in his bag. Some say there's a unicorn inside...

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